We Create Innovative Thinkers for a Dynamic World

Our Goals

  • Increase academic achievement for all students through the implementation of high-quality curriculum and programs in order to meet high standards for individual growth.
  •  Support all students to access a rigorous regular education.
    •  Explicit instruction for students with disabilities increasingly aligns and supports access to regular education instruction.
    • PD in UDL, differentiated instruction, and scaffolds
    • Support students with disabilities meet high-quality IEP goals.
  • Showcase schools and programs to encourage involvement and foster community pride.
  • Ensure all members of our school community feel valued, accepted, and connected.
    • Develop a cohesive system of tiered process and model for behavior intervention to support students to access regular education.
    • Implement SEL curriculum.
    • Staff wellness
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For news and information about the

2024-2025 Education Budget click HERE


For news and information about the

athletic field needs click HERE


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