Bus Routes and Forms

Bus Routes

The Bus Route information is subject to change as routes are finalized closer to the start of school. Please check the route information posted prior to the start of school.

Important Transportation Information for 2024-2025

Note from M&J: With all the changes taking place this school year we wanted to reach out directly to all the families we serve here in Colchester. We want to reinforce to you that our main goal is to keep all students safe as we transport them to and from school. With that in mind, we want you to know what we plan to do and ask for your patience as we get through the first couple of weeks.

  • To keep students on buses the least amount of time, we will not cross students if your bus travels both sides of the road.

  • We have been instructed by the schools to at least split the bus by grades. JJIS will load back to middle & CES will load mid to front. We will be keeping the two front seats open to protect our drivers.

  • We will have assigned seats within the first week of school in order to make loading quicker.

  • Pickup and drop off times will vary during the first couple of weeks.

  • Hand sanitizer is not allowed to be used on the buses due to allergies.

  • Please make sure your student(s) understand the electronic use policy.

  • Buses will travel with some or all windows open based on weather conditions. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.

Transportation Forms