The Colchester Public Schools are proud to provide English Learner Services to a diverse group of students that speak over eight different languages. The Colchester Public Schools are committed to providing the highest quality educational services to all students, and the English Learner Department provides services based on each student’s linguistic and academic needs. Our programs for English Learners are researched based, and they are designed to promote and support academic success and English proficiency simultaneously.
Students new to our district who speak other languages are assisted in each building according to a detailed English Language Learner Program.
At the time of registration or enrollment, all parents are asked to complete a Home Language Survey. The Home Language Survey assists us as we determine whether the student is a potential English Learner.
The state of Connecticut has just passed legislation to approve a Multilingual Learner English Learner Bill of Rights. You can view the Parent Bill of Rights website here.
The district English Language Learner Coordinator is Kendra Dickinson.
You may want to visit Reading Rockets for parent tips on literacy in English.
Another good place to visit for help learning English is Colorín Colorado!
Tips for parents are here, and Utah Education Network ELL Resources has lots of good information for teachers, students, and parents, alike!